How do you answer the question: “What do you do?”

Creating authentic connections despite lame networking questions

Reagan Pugh
2 min readAug 24, 2020

You know the moment…you’re out with a friend and y’all bump into someone they know from high school — so everyone gets introduced.

Shortly after the small talk dissipates, the person you just met looks at you and says: “So…what do you do?”

And you freeze.

Maybe your face flushes.

You wonder why they’d ruin such a beautiful evening with such a basic question…but your anger soon morphs into shame.

Shame because, despite the fact people ask you what you do all the time, you’ve yet to create a thoughtful response you’re proud of. So you kick yourself after fumbling through language which doesn’t accurately describe what you do at all — and it definitely doesn’t elicit engagement from anyone listening.

I’m with you.

I’ve been there.

But here’s the deal — when people ask us, “So…what do you do?” — they’re actually giving us a gift.

They are opening the door for us to show them how much our work means to us, and inviting us share what we want out of life without looking like a used car salesman.



Reagan Pugh

🎤 Keynote Speaker + Facilitator | 📖 Author of Too Emotional: Overcome the Thunderstorm of Feelings, Shame and Self-Doubt